Defeating the Darkness in You

We see a lot of darkness around us during Halloween—death, skeletons, ghouls, and goblins. Those are scary indeed, but what about the darkness inside you? That is usually much scarier. Learn the secrets to defeating the darkness, not in the world, but in yourself.


The dark can be scary–because we can’t see anything, but we sure believe all kinds of creepy, horrible, and dangerous monsters are lurking there in the dark. Things grow bigger in the dark. Sleepless nights in the dark, our problems seem so much bigger and heavier. Secrets kept in the dark feel more suffocating than anything else. The dark can be a scary place.

However, we can turn on the light and defeat the darkness by letting the bright light show us what is really there and what is not there at all!

But what if the darkness is in our minds, in our thinking, and in the things we believe, which are scary and dangerous?

When you’ve done something that you weren’t supposed to do, how do you feel? And then what do you do after that? For myself, I usually feel bad about myself and get scared that if people knew what I had done, wouldn’t like me anymore. And because I believe that about myself and about other people, I try to stay away and even hide from people.

In the story that Jesus told about the younger, prodigal son, this young man did many foolish, harmful, and hurtful things. There was already darkness in his heart, because he didn’t want the life that his father had worked so hard to give him. And then he wanted his father to give him money NOW.

He wanted to get away from his father and family so he could do what he wanted, when he wanted, and with whomever he wanted. And boy did he have fun while his money lasted! He did everything his heart desired, partying with his new friends and eating and drinking to have fun. But his lifestyle of partying and spending money left him broke, without friends, and hungry for food.

The younger son found himself in a very, very dark place in his life and in his mind. When we have done something or many things that we know hurt other people and harm ourselves, it can be easy to sit in the pigpen and start thinking dark thoughts.

We start believing things that aren’t true about God.

  • God saw what I did and he’s mad at me.

  • He told me not to do it, but I did it anyway, so he’s not going to have pity on me or help me out of this.

  • God can’t forgive me. What I’ve done is so bad!

  • He’s going to punish me for what I did.

And we start believing things that aren’t true about ourselves.

  • What I did was bad. I’m just a bad, bad person.

  • I’m unforgiveable.

  • No one can love me now. I’m unlovable.

  • I’m worthless and good for nothing. I am not worthy of good things.

  • Nobody wants me. I am going to be all alone.

Now I’m scared of God, and I try to stay far from Him and even run away.

And when we sit in the dark with these horrible, evil, monstrous lies about God and about ourselves, the lies just grow stronger and bigger. The lies inside of us are monsters that grow bigger and bigger in the dark; they terrify, terrorize, imprison, and crush us. Lies tie us up and keep us chained up in the dark.

How can you and I defeat the darkness in us? Only by running into the light!

Jesus explained that the younger son “came to his senses” and then “got up and went to his father.” He was thinking correctly again and remembered how good life was with his father. He was in thinking clearly again and knew the way back home.

The father in the story was watching and waiting for his son to come back to him. When he saw him appear on the horizon, he ran to his son, hugged and kissed him, and took him back into the house. He received him back and gave him the clothes, sandals, and jewelry that showed he was a son—not a servant or a slave of the house. And instead of shaming or punishing the younger son, he threw a big party with yummy food to celebrate and welcome him home where he belonged.

Even when we don’t believe the whole truth about God or about ourselves, when we run into the light, God our Father will expose the lies and show us the truth. God is our creator and father. He loves us no matter what we have done. He forgives us! If we confess our sins to God, he is faithful and will forgive us—because his son Jesus Christ already died to pay for our sins! He wants to be with us today and forever and ever.

We are God’s loved children. We belong to God. We are precious and valuable. We are beautiful and wonderful. We are loved beyond measure.

Don’t let the monstrous lies keep you in the dark. Run back to your heavenly father. Run into the light and be set free!

Pang Foua Rhodes

Pang Foua is the Spiritual Growth Director at RiverLife Church.


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